Prologue, page 1.
Let me just explain one thing.
This prologue is done almost two years after the comic started.
The main reason for making it is that I'm not happy with the first pages of my comic.
I was young, and had no skill ^^;;;.
I'm not going to delete anything from the web, because I think it would be unfair towards the new readers. (and some people said they liked that old comics, so maybe they are not that bad)
Still, I don't like relying on that old stuff in telling my story, so I decided to make
a restart.
You can read the comic in two ways:
Just the Prologue and the episodes after the restart, and you shouldn't lose anything, because one characters recaps the old archives to another.
Or you can read both old and new episodes, that way you will witness the whole thing, but be warned: art quality varies.
note: a couple of details that appeared in the old archives are no longer valid. I mean design for Kate's tattoos and daggers.
When I was starting the comic I didn't think they would be important so I just went with the first idea I got. Later I got some better ideas for them,
and that's another reason for the restart:
If someone complains I changed these details, I can say "It was the old comic, now there's the new, and they look different now. Let's say the old comic was a kind of warm up exercise before starting the real one."